"Peering Chronicles of Japan"
(a free EPUB book)

Author: Akimichi Ogawa | English Version Published: 2024-08-21

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What's this book about?

Peering, the act of autonomous networks on the Internet interconnecting with each other, is driven by both technical and business factors, and can lead to a big impact to the shape of the Internet. This book explains what kind of events have happened on the Internet from the perspective of players in Japan, and how they have brought not only changes to the Internet but also to the real world, through the following chapters;

The book was originally written in Japanese and published in July 2022 from the publisher Lambda Note. Here, you can download and read the English translation in EPUB format for free by clicking the 'Download EPUB' button below. This translation, made possible with permission from the publisher and the original author, is a volunteer effort supported by sponsors, aimed at providing an English version for everyone who is not literate in Japanese but interested in the Internet.

Volunteer translators (alphabetical order)

English version editorial sponsors (alphabetical order)


This EPUB book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You may redistribute the material, and translation into other languages is allowed except for Japanese. Commercial use is prohibited.

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The translation work was done by industry volunteers who are not native English speakers. We did not hire a professional translator as we wanted to prioritize releasing this English version free of charge so that the global community may have access to this material and the only thing one would need to read this book is an Internet connection and some gadget that can display epub format documents.

Generative AI tools were also early stages when we did most of this work, but we imagine if there was a chance to redo this now, AI would be of great help in articulation (for avoidance of doubt, this section is not written using AI). As you read this translation work, you may encounter some phrases and edits that seem odd to you, but we’d like to request your understanding that we may not be able to fix them. Like peering, this material is provided on a best effort basis, and is settlement free.

The original Japanese book is available on the publisher's website, although the site is in Japanese.

Original Book Image